Distinguish between Hire Purchase and Ordinary Hiring Agreement

When it comes to obtaining goods or services through a contractual agreement, there are various methods available. Two common methods are hire purchase and ordinary hiring agreements. While they may appear similar on the surface, there are distinct differences between the two. Let’s take a closer look at these methods of obtaining goods and services.

What is Hire Purchase?

Hire purchase is a contract that allows a buyer to acquire an asset gradually through a series of payments. The buyer is obligated to make regular payments to the seller, and once the full payment is made, the asset is transferred to the buyer`s ownership. In other words, hire purchase is a method of purchasing goods through installment payments.

What is Ordinary Hiring Agreement?

An ordinary hiring agreement is a contract in which one party – the hirer – agrees to rent equipment, services, or a location from another party – the owner – for a specified period at an agreed-upon rate. The agreement typically includes provisions for payments, maintenance, and return of the goods or services at the end of the rental period. In other words, ordinary hiring agreement is a method of renting goods or services for a specific period.

Distinguishing Between Hire Purchase and Ordinary Hiring Agreement

One of the key differences between hire purchase and an ordinary hiring agreement is the transfer of ownership. Under a hire purchase agreement, the ownership of the asset is transferred to the buyer after the final payment is made. On the other hand, under an ordinary hiring agreement, the ownership of the asset remains with the owner during the duration of the agreement.

Another difference is the payment method. Under a hire purchase agreement, the buyer makes regular payments until the full amount is paid. In contrast, under an ordinary hiring agreement, the hirer makes regular payments for the use of the goods or services.

Finally, hire purchase agreements are typically used for large or expensive assets, such as vehicles or machinery. Ordinary hiring agreements are more commonly used for short-term renting of equipment or services, such as renting a car for a week or hiring a contractor for a specific project.


In conclusion, both hire purchase and ordinary hiring agreements are methods of obtaining goods or services. However, they differ in terms of ownership transfer, payment method, and the assets they are commonly used for. It is essential to understand these differences when considering acquiring goods or services through either method. Ultimately, the decision of which method to use depends on the unique needs and circumstances of each individual or business.

